at the end of 2002 36 year old boyd taylor was single he had no children and he lived with his divorced father Robert in a small bungalow in the northern england countryside in addition to living with his father boyd also worked for his father his father robert owned a small construction business and so the father-son duo built houses in the area while boyd might have envisioned his life turning out in a different more exciting way he didn't seem outwardly unhappy about his circumstances in fact he seemed very cheerful both at work and when he was at home but despite his cheerfulness his father robert was still pretty concerned about him because every time boyd had some time off from work and was just at loose ends he wouldn't go out with his friends in fact he really didn't have any friends and wasn't even trying to make any friends instead he would just sit in his room all day and be totally by himself now robert knew his son was naturally a bit of a loner and always had been but a part of him hoped that his son would just start going out and meeting new people or at the very least develop some sort of hobby that could occupy his mind in late september of 2002 robert was walking down the hallway of their bungalow when he passed by his son's bedroom door and it was shut and as he walked past he heard inside of his son's room the sound of his sons sawing some wood and so he stopped for a second and he just listened and when the sawing stopped for a second robert just knocked on the door he was curious he wanted to know what his son was doing boyd instead of coming over to the door and opening it up and talking to his dad instead just paused for a second and then said you know what is it dad what do you need and robert would say well i heard sawing and i just wanted to know what you were building and so boyd pauses again and then just says well i'm working on a woodworking project and so robert's like well can i poke my head in and actually see what you're building and boyd again without opening the door just tells his dad very politely that he wants to be left alone and so robert decides not to push the issue whatever he was doing it was his business and so he just told his son that you know hey if you need any help with anything let me know i'd be glad to help and then robert walked away over the next two months every time boyd was not working so in the evenings and on the weekend he would be locked inside of his bedroom hammering and sawing away at this woodworking project and over those two months robert would periodically walk down the hall and stand in front of his son's bedroom and knock on the door and try to get his son to let him in to just see what he was up to not only because he just wanted to see what his son was doing but because robert was a carpenter by trade and so was just genuinely interested but every time he asked to be let in boyd would very politely tell his father that he really just wants to be left alone and robert respected his wishes in early december boyd approached his father and said hey you know would it be possible for me to take the next month off from work so i can focus on this woodworking project now for robert this was a massive inconvenience this construction business that he owned was really just he and his son building the houses and so if his son was not going to be working then robert would be solo on all of his projects for that month but robert's thinking to himself you know my son has finally found a hobby that he's really into i don't really know what it is but clearly he's invested in it and so he tells a son you know what that's fine you take the whole month and if you want more time in january that's fine you just let me know so starting that first week in december every time Robert would leave the house to go to work in the morning he would leave to the sound of boyd in his bedroom hammering and sawing and tinkering away at his woodworking project and then several hours later when robert finally came back home he'd walk into the house and the first thing he would hear is his son still in his bedroom still hammering and sawing away when december finally ended and robert expected his son to be done with his project and to finally show him what he's been working on boyd approached him and said well dad i'm not quite done with the project i need about two more weeks and so robert said no problem we'll talk in two weeks so december rolled into january and boyd just continued to work all day long inside of his bedroom then on the evening of january 7th robert was home he was watching tv in the living room and boyd was hard at work in his bedroom right down the hall when robert decided he was tired and... and he was going to go to bed so he stands up turns the tv off he leaves the living room he goes down the hallway with the sun's room on the right and as he passed he can hear his son at work and he kind of yells to his son that he's going to bed and then robert goes into his bedroom crawls into his bed and falls asleep at 3 30 a.m the following morning robert is suddenly awoken by this incredibly loud crashing sound somewhere in his house robert's first thought was the chimney must have collapsed that was how loud the sound was and so he leaps out of his bed he runs out of his door he goes down the hallway past his son's room into the living room and he looks at the fireplace which is in the tv room and clearly the chimney has not collapsed onto itself and so he's standing there thinking you know what else could that sound of ban and then he's thinking to himself well did i really hear that sound or was that sound in my dream and i kind of thought it was real but it really wasn't and so just to be sure he walked all around the house kind of seeing if there were any signs of something big falling and crashing on the ground but the house seemed totally in order and so he walked back down the hallway towards his bedroom and he stopped right outside of his son's room and he considered knocking and waking his son up to see if maybe he had heard this loud sound too but when he listened to the door it was quiet inside so he figured you know what my son's asleep i'm not going to wake him up for this and so robert just went into his bedroom and he went back to sleep a few hours later robert got up and he left his bedroom he went into the kitchen and he made himself some food and as he's preparing his food he's realizing that he doesn't hear the sound of boyd working in his bedroom because normally boyd would be working that early in the morning but he wasn't and so right before robert left to go to work that day he actually walked down the hall and listened to his son's bedroom to hear if maybe he was at work in there but he just hadn't heard him but it was totally silent in the room and so he reached down to the doorknob thinking maybe he could just poke his head in and see if his son was on his bed but when he tried the doorknob it was locked so robert just thought to himself okay i guess boyd is sleeping in this morning and so i'm not going to bother him and so robert leaves the house he gets into his truck and he drives off to work and then several hours later he comes back to the house at night and he walks inside and the first thing he hears is nothing it's silent and this house in the evenings for the past several months was never quiet boyd was always hammering sawing and tinkering away at this woodworking project and so right away robert's thinking to himself maybe he's done with the project and i can finally see this thing he's been working on and so robert drops his stuff at the door and he walks down the hallway he goes to his son's bedroom door and he knocks and he says hey boyd are you done with your project but he's met with silence and so robert reaches down again and tries the doorknob but it's locked and so robert's standing there thinking you know it's too early for him to be asleep and so he yells out for boyd you know hey what's going on where are you i haven't seen you today come out here come talk to me but again it's silent and so robert's thinking okay well when i pulled in was his car in the driveway and he can't remember and so he leaves the house he goes out to the driveway and sure enough there's boyd's car it's in the driveway so he has to be here and so suddenly robert's starting to feel a little bit panicked about his son he runs back into the house and he just starts screaming his son's name as he goes room to room into the bathrooms and the other bedrooms to see if he's in there but he's nowhere to be found and so operating on a gut instinct robert just runs right out to his car he gets a sledgehammer comes back in the house goes down the hallway and he's standing in front of his son's bedroom door and one more time he yells for a son and bangs on the door tries to get his son's attention but after once again there being total silence he picks up a sledgehammer and begins breaking the door down and after a couple of swings he manages to pop off the locking mechanism the actual doorknob that gets blown off and he can push the door open and he sees inside the bedroom is empty there's just a bed and a dresser and there's no void but in the back right corner of the room where normally there was like this alcove basically a segment of his room kind of jutted away from the rest of the space almost like it was a closet but with no door on it boyd had clearly built a wall and door over that alcove kind of creating a sort of sub-room within his bedroom and this door was shut and so robert immediately runs over to this new second door he tries the doorknob it's locked he yells for his son but again after silence he picks the sledge up and begins trying to break this door down and after a few good swings like the first door he was able to knock the doorknob off of the door and then he reached down and he pulled the door open and what he saw on the other side of this door inside of this little sub room was so far from anything he ever expected that he just stood there in stunned silence and then eventually reality kind of kicked back in and he ran out of his son's room and he called the police three months earlier boyd had decided he wanted to build this very specific device that was invented in 1789 now he didn't want his father to know about this device and so he built that door and wall frame in front of that alcove specifically so he could build this device inside of this new sub room in privacy he also always made sure to lock his main bedroom door so for three months boyd began constructing this eight foot tall three foot wide structure inside of the sub room and once the shell of this device was constructed he began installing all of its inner workings these included things like various lengths of wire and clock timers and a jigsaw which is like an electric saw and then finally on january 7th it was complete so that night boyd blew up an air mattress and he slid it inside of the sub room right underneath this ancient machine he had built and then after that he went and locked the main bedroom door he went into the sub-room himself and shut the sub-room door and locked that and then he pulled 12 sleeping pills out of his pocket swallowed those and then laid down on this air mattress on his back looking up at the inner workings of this machine and then once he was positioned the way he wanted to he reached over up inside of this machine and he felt around for a button that he had placed he pressed that button and then he put his hands over his chest and he laid there looking straight up until the sleeping pills kicked in and he fell asleep that button he pressed right before he passed out from the sleeping pills started a timer and when that timer went off it would actually activate this whole device and so several hours after pressing that button the timer finally went off at 3 30 am the first thing that happened when this device was activated is the jigsaw the electric saw began sawing this wire now the wire had been very intentionally placed against the teeth of this jigsaw and so it's cutting this wire and this wire is supporting this weighted down heavy angular blade that's pointing straight down and so as soon as this wire is cut it releases the blade and the blade that almost looks like this oversized axe head begins falling straight down this chute and the chute aims the blade directly onto the front of boyd's throat boyd's woodworking project was a guillotine and that loud crashing sound that woke robert up at 3 30 in the morning on january 8th that was the sound of the blade of this guillotine crashing down and decapitating his son even though boyd did not leave behind a note explaining his actions it was determined boyd's death was in fact a suicide a very complicated and deliberate suicide boyd's father and other people involved in this case have come to the conclusion that boyd was clearly showing signs of depression before he chose to take his own life and so maybe if boyd had reached out for help or if there had been some sort of intervention his death could have been prevented